Faqs & tips

During these early weeks, the best thing you can do for your body and recovery is to drink plenty of water, take naps when they are available, eat plenty of protein and foods rich omega 3, alkaline foods and antioxidants. Vitamins and minerals needed for healing are really important to consume during this time, so make sure you are eating lots of vegetables. Go for gentle walks and do some nice deep breathing, if you are uncomfortable from birthing then wait and let your body recover, be gentle and kind to yourself. Daily pelvic floor exercises are an absolute must, even if you had a c-section you still carried that baby on your pelvic floor muscles for months! If you want to have a chat with me to plan your return to training with some nutritional guidance you can find my contact details here .

At the beginning of your postnatal recovery you should aim to do your pelvic floor exercises three times a day of 10-12 contractions, until you are not suffering from leaking. Once you have retrained your pelvic floor to have good control, it is good practice to do these twice a week. If you suffer from any pelvic pain or discomfort during or after try some down training of the pelvic floor, if you need help feel free to contact me for some exercises or book in with a women’s health physio local to you.

You can check if you have diastasis by following a simple curl up test with exhalation. You can follow the steps in my video. Or alternatively you can see a qualified fitness professional like myself or a women’s health physio who can assess too.

Diastasis recti is a spectrum, you may have a narrow gap or a wide gap between the two abdominal walls, you fingers may sink through the gap or the gap may feel quite hard. There is not a one size fits all approach here. Generally speaking if you have a diastasis I would advise against oblique/rotational exercises and not add weight until the core is more able to take load. When this point is will very much depend on the individual, some tummy gaps will stay but the core can be strengthened to be functional. If you observe your tummy ‘doming’ during an exercise (going up in the middle like a Toblerone shape) then stop doing the exercise as it isn’t suitable for you at this time. You can check out my video on doming on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/p/B3e0Lntg8eM/

No problem, bring your little one along and we can pause the session if needed.

This is a question I get asked a lot. To be honest it’s not a good question because your approach needs to be less of “I can do everything except x y z” and instead be “I am going to include these movements in my programme and these exercises because this is what my body needs right now”. This second approach will lead to less injuries and is a lot better for you. You will have to beat down your ego and be wise and patient and it will pay off in the long run, which is the run we are all in for right?!

Some women report discomfort, book in to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist, they will be able to assess you